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Good News and Bad News
THE GOOD NEWS: I had an excellent weekend.

Neal and I got wasted Friday night. Trashed. I haven't been that drunk in a long, long time.

I was so drunk, I thought a shot (OK, 2) of liquor I'd never heard of was a fine idea.

I was so drunk, afterhours with a co-worker and his kinda-girlfriend, in her trailer, was acceptable.

I was so drunk, I let said kinda-girlfriend pressure me into yet another shot, fully knowing ahead of time that I would throw it up immediately. (And I did.)

I was so drunk, Neal and I walked over a mile home, and it seemed like nothing.

I was so drunk, I don't remember going to bed.

I was so drunk, I woke up wearing a bra, and nothing else. No undies, no nothing. Just a bra. I'm wondering if that tricky little clasp presented too much of a challenge for my drunk ass.

Man, was it fun.

But I'm sure as hell not going that again for a while.

We took it easy Saturday. OK, we slept the entire day.

Saturday night, big surprise, we continued to take it easy. We watched High Fidelity, which I am tentatively recommending, because I haven't fully formed an opinion yet. I will, but in a little bit.

I went swimming on Sunday, while Neal worked on the other Jamiestar. He did nice stuff. Go see.

THE BAD NEWS: Neal is in Atlanta for the next few days.

Is it a bad thing that I'm 24 years old, and freaked out at the prospect of staying home alone for the next 2 nights?

I don't know how Gretchen does it. Or how Maggie used to do it, before the advent of Boyfriend Brad.

Well, I can take comfort in the fact that part of my anxiety likely stems from the violent, graphic, terrifying nightmares I've had the past 2 nights. I mean, really bad. People in my family stabbed, or with big holes blown throught them. Finding friends, dead in the driver's seat of a car. Knowing I had to get away from certain people, or I would die, but not knowing why. Having a knife to defend myself, but not knowing how to use it. Never knowing where I was.

At least I was fast in these dreams. Sometimes I couldn't talk, though.

I suppose it goes without saying that I'm tired.

How do you keep from being afraid? I'd really, really like to know.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
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