Prepare . . . for total domination.
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I'm So Damn Clever
I'm leaving for the Ft. Lauderdale airport at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow. Shawn and I are riding up in my car. We've been talking about taking a road trip for ages, so maybe this counts.

I have not had a good day. The station's computers were down all morning, and I still can't print. This created a very complicated process I must go through, involving typing stories on one person's computer, and printing them on another. Sometimes they're emailed. It's all very complex.

But still better than hand-writing the newscasts, which I was ready to do at 11:10 this morning, while I panicked about the noon cast. If all the pens in the world stopped working, I was going to have to find an inkwell and a big feather. Otherwise, my only other option would have been a chisel and a big flat piece of stone.

In addition, my mom is in the hospital again, and she isn't doing very well. I hate this timing, for leaving town, but it's not like I'd be much more useful down here. I had the unpleasant task today of gathering every single possible LA contact # I could think of, and sending them all to my dad "just in case." I'm trying not to think about in case of what.

So I'm leaving in less than 24 hours. Here are a list of things I haven't done yet:

  1. Pack. (There is a "To Pack List," though. We all know that's 80% of the way there.)
  2. Handwash several items. (Not sure that this will ever really happen.)
  3. Record Thurs. PM news casts.
  4. Finish this entry.
The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids