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All The Little Things
I tried to write this several times today, and I've been prety blank. So I'm just going to babble a bit about a few things.


Neal and I watched the movie Heavy last night. I don't know if it was my mood or my day, but that movie was one of the saddest things I've ever seen. I'm dying to talk to someone about it, but I can't find anyone else who's seen it.


Dawn flies into Florida today. In fact, she's probalby already in The Phallic State. I've been trying for a while now to figure out what exactly to write about Dawn, besides she's fucking cool and I love her. She's the first person I've ever smoked pot with, how's that? She makes me laugh really hard. She has excellent taste in clothing. She's a lot like me, but blond. (There you go, Skip.) At the time, becoming friends with her changed my life. I hope she decides to go to grad school in Miami. That would certainly make my entries more interesting. Possibly TOO interesting.


We're making slow but steady progress on the apartment. I'm starting to get embarrassed that the molding we pried off the base of the living room walls has been outside in it's ugly-assed glory for several months now. The kitchen is coming down the home stretch. I'm going to start putting kitcheny stuff in drawers tonight. Oh, speaking of kitcheny stuff...


Neal and I have decided we're never doing dishes again. We both hate it, so NOPE. We're buying paper plates and plastic silverware and paper cups and that's it. I don't know why we didn't think of this sooner.

I can hear all the environmentalists out there screaming from here. Relax, yo. Not doing dishes is actually envirmonmentally friendly. How, you ask? I'll tell you. Right now, South Florida (where I live, duh) is in the tail end of a severe dry spell and right in the middle of a serious water shortage. We're in Phase 2 restrictions, baby. That means doing dishes is envirnmentally bad, and throwing away everything we eat off of or drink out of is environmentally good. That's right, bitches.


I've regressed to calling people bitches again.


Finally, I'm in the middle of a massive redesign. Oh, man, you're gonna love it. It's pissing me off, but I love it anyway. New features, new fun stuff. Uh-huh.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids