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No Trophies For Us. Just Toilets.
It's 11:32 a.m.

I should be in a boat out on the ocean, with sun-warmed skin, smelling the salt and reeling in glistening fishies.

Instead, I'm at home writing an entry.

But guess what?



I was the only person on the boat who DIDN'T get sick.

It was nasty out there. The captain usually goes and catches the bait before he picks up the anglers. Well, our captain said we should come early and ride along while he got the bait, in the interest of saving time. He suggested we bring pillows, so if we're tired, we can just sleep until it's time to do the actual fishing.

So at 5:45 a.m., I was standing on the dock, clutching my pillow, ready to go.

I wasn't sure I'd be able to sleep, 'cause I as pretty excited. As we left, the other girls were hanging out on the deck, but I curled up in the cabin on this little bed area with my pillow and napped.

For the next several hours, everytime I woke up, one of my teammates was throwing up. Wisely, I decided to close my eyes and go back to the land of slumber, where motion sickness is just a big hand, rocking the cradle of my boat, lulling my to sleep. The next thing I knew, the captain said we were going back, because everyone was too sick. I went back to sleep.

When I woke up again, we were docked and ready to go home.

It's a little disappointing, because I really wanted to catch another sailfish. But really, it's not like hanging out with everyone while they're tossing their cookies would be much MORE fun. So I don't mind. I just feel bad that my buddy is sick - she apparently is under the spell of the bug that bit me, combined with motion sickness. Fun.

However, I DO get a day off. I think I'm going to grab some grub and magazines, and head to the beach.

And I get free dinner tonight.

As everyone knows, I'm all about free food.

Tomorrow, I promise to try to write an entry without talking about vomit.

I said "try."

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids