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And The Week Goes On...
Dad: �Hello?�

Me: �Hey, Pecker. (We call each other that. It�s a THING.) Get this. I was nominated for �Woman Of The Year.��

Dad: �You mean, like in Time Magazine?�

Me: �NO! Like, for my area, out of that businesswoman�s club to which I belong.�

Dad: �That�s great!�

Me: �I know. It was really funny how it happened, too. Shawn and I went out after my talk show, the night before.�

Dad: �Uh-oh.�

Me: �I know. And we�re sitting beside each other at the club�s luncheon the next day, hungover and HURTING. And some of the club members starting talking about the Woman Of The Year award, and the guidelines for nominations, and stuff. Shawn elbows me, muttering, �I�m going to nominate YOU! Jamie, Woman Of The Year! Ladidah la la!� And I�m all, �Shut up! I�m going to nominate YOU if you�re not careful, dicksmack. Or possibly that guy over there.� As we�re carrying on this oh-so-mature diatribe, one of the local school board members stands up and says, loud and clear, �I�d like to nominate Jamie.� Shawn and I freeze mid-nudge, and slowly look over at the woman talking. We were shocked. It was hilarious.�

Dad: �Well, um� I�m proud of you. I guess.�

Me: �Thanks!�

I don�t know if I�ll win, �cause I have some pretty stiff competition, but it�s true what they say, it IS nice just being nomina-Zzzzzzzz�.


The Birthday Week Super Awesome Fun Continues. Here�s the itinerary:

Tonight: An extra-special GNO radio show, wherein Co-Host Kim won�t tell me ANYTHING about what she�s planned. I can�t decide if I hope it involves nudity or not. I definitely hope it involves cake. Lots and lots of cake.

Tomorrow: I feel that most of tomorrow will be spent recovering from tonight, as god intended.

Thursday: I have to work very, very, hard Thursday, but it�s for a good reason that I�ll reveal in about 30 seconds. I will have to work so hard that I probably won�t be finished in time to drive down to Key West and witness my own induction onto the American Cancer Society district board of directors. But cool for me, right?

Friday: The reason I have to get so much finished ahead of time Thursday is� Co-Host Kim and I are jumping out of an airplane! She�s getting nervous, but I�m so excited I�d probably jump out of the plane right now if it pulled up to my front door. I�ve been trying to ease Co-Host Kim�s nerves by saying soothing things like, �Come on, Kim. Can you think of anyone who you�d rather be splattered upon the earth with more than ME?� It doesn�t seem to be helping.

Also, Beaker is scheduled to arrive home from a fishing trip Friday, so he�ll be back just in time for birthday festivities and� running around in his new boat!

Finally! He's always, always had one, and it was just a freak coincidence that he hasn't for the past year. I've been trying to convince him to do this for SO long, saying things like, "Hello! Boat sex!" to no avail, but finally, the boat will me mine, mine, MINE!

I mean, his.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids