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The Painting Actually Happened. Unbelievable
Holy thigh muscles, I am in some pain.

My sadistic fuck, er, I mean, my Tae Kwon Do instructor, taught us a new exercise Monday night. You and a partner lie on your back with your heads touching, so you make one long line. Grab each other�s biceps, straighten your legs, then use your stomach muscles to lift those legs and touch toes with your partner. We were supposed to do 50. Most of the class only did 25, but my partner was exactly my height and both of us have strong stomach muscles, so we cranked out 75.

That was a big mistake.

I�m never really sore the day after � it�s the day after the day after that�s always the killer. So, yeah, my stomach muscles hurt some.

But that�s nowhere near the searing pain that has settled itself into my pelvic joint muscles, whatever you call those. Right in the front of my leg, where I bend in half. I didn�t even know there WERE muscles in there, but take my word for it. Not only are there muscles there, but they are muscles that don�t take any shit.

I sit at a desk for most of the day. I have to keep getting up and walking around, because those muscles kept stiffening up. If I forget, when I eventually do get up, the muscles get locked up or something, and I feel like I�m tearing in half.


In other news, our new landlords/neighbors are fixing up the house. They cleared the �yard� (no on in the Keys has a REAL yard) and painted the house. What color? Well, let�s put it this way. It looks like someone slathered guacamole all over my humble abode. I get hungry every time I come home.

I�ve dubbed it Avacasa.

By total coincidence, Shawn and I are painting, too. Well, mostly her, because she worked her booty off all weekend while I was out of town. As a result, our living room is purple. Bright purple � no pussy lavender shit for us. I love it. The accents are cobalt blue and grey, and the kitchen is mostly those three colors, too.

My friend Matt and I did touchy-uppy stuff last night. Today I�m doing laundry while she�s doing some sort of mosaic thing to our windowsills. I�m not that dedicated.

Too bad the place is trashed. Sure, we can paint � but it will be picking up the aftermath that will be the real challenge.

Fortunately, we�re smart. We�ve planned a party for next weekend, as incentive to get that place presentable.

Yes, you�re all invited.

The Realm of Monkey Love
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