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Debbie In Jamieland
As you know, my mom is here. I mean, right here. Beside me.

I'm going to surrender my typing fingers to her for a while so she can tell you what she thinks of the Keys, and her visit so far.

Take it, Mom. (My comments will be in itallics.)


Yesterday, I swam with the dolphins. [It was amazing as when Neal and I did it for his birthday.] I had my knee replaced a year ago and the dolphins were really intrigued by that. [I was a little concerned, but there were no real problems. The only challenge was the moment we realized we had to lower mom from a standing position to sitting on a wobbly platform, and she couldn't bend one of her legs. The trainer and I just stood there for a minute going, "Hmm." Finally, I grabbed the back of her swimsuit, and we just kind of lifted her down.] They were both older female dolphins, and I think they really liked me because one gave me a big smooch on the cheek. [Yeah, the trainer had to blow his whistle to get it to stop kissing her! That dolphin was getting a little fresh.]

It's been fun seeing Jamie, but I've seen the last two days the most rain that I've seen in a long time. [To be fair, it barely rained today. But it has been kind of ridiculous.]

Tomorrow, we're going to try to ride a fan boat and look at the gators and the snakes in The Everglades.

I like Jamie's little house. It's the nicest place she's lived since the dorms in college - besides our home, of course.

I love Jamie's cat, Miss Budina. [Who doesn't?] She's just so entertaining. She was out in the rain the first night I was here and I was really worried about her, but she took care of herself. [She always does. Kind of like someone else I can think of.] She loves to sleep on top of my suitcase. This morning, when I was taking clothes out to get dressed, I left the suitcase open, and she was a little pissed about it!

I like the Keys. I haven't been down to Key West yet, but I like seeing Jamie better. Wednesday, we plan to go to Key West, and I'll form a better opinion about the Keys.

And that's about all I have to say.

[Me, too.]

The Realm of Monkey Love
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