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Bad Boys, Whatcha Gonna Do? Whatcha Gonna Do When Jamie Comes For You?"
I turned in my police report the next day. The officer and I met at the bank, while I talked to someone there.

One good thing about being a journalist is, you KNOW how to get information. I gathered and gathered then just spewed it all onto the paper and turned it in.

The police officer skimmed it, looked up, and said, "I have been doing this for over 20 years. This is the best police report I've ever seen."

I smiled.

He went on, "You should join the force."

I kind of half-laughed, then said something like, "Me, a bacon-girl? In your dreams, pig."

Just kidding. I lauged and said something like, "Hee. Yeah, right."

He looked at me very seriously and was all, "No, I mean it. We could really use you."

Only I could be the victim of a crime, and end up being recruited by the Sheriff's Office. I doubt I'm going to make a career switch anytime soon, but I'll also let you know. "Jamie Star, PI." Hmm. That does have kind of a nice ring to it.

One cool thing I found out that day is I don't have to pay for a new drivers license. I just tell the bureau I was robbed, show them the deputy's card, and they hook me up. After the officer told me that, though, he turned to me and said, "But don't go get a new one today."

"Why not?"

"You have to fix your hair."

Ah! A comedian AND a cop! My hair was just wet, by the way. I didn't do anything weird to it.

That was last week, and I haven't heard anything from anyone. I've just this morning gotten a chance to go around to the different places the card was used, and ask them about copies of receipts that could have been forged, and if they could set aside their security videos that day. I only got to one place (out of 4), but I'm going to try to run around more this afternoon.

I doubt my case will actually get much attention from the police. We're talking about theft of less than $300, total. Ideally, it would, since they left such an evidence trail, it's really a no-brainer.

But I'm still going to work on it, because I want those fuckers sorry it ever occurred to them to steal from me.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids