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Can I Please Have My 110 Minutes Back?
Disclaimer: Yes, I know movies are entertainment. Yes, I know they shouldn't be taken TOO seriously. But this sucker crossed the line.

Dear Makers Of "Miss Congeniality":

I just thought you like a REAL feminist opinion of your shitty movie, as a refreshing alternative to the misogynist assface who you hired to consult in the production.

Here's Ten Things I Hate About You.

1. Your implication, no, I'm sorry, INSISTENCE, that only the Sandra Bullock-lookin' chicks will ever "get the guy." No one wants THAT guy.

2. Your insistence that it takes hours of work and a team of specialists for a woman to be beautiful.

3. The lame-ass exchange between Bullock and Candace Bergen. Cripes, my bathroom sink is funnier than that.

4. Your pathetic and shallow portrayal of female-to-female relationships.

5. The way you constantly insulted men for an hour and a half. Men are capable of seeing and discussing something other than the appearance of all women in the near vicinity.

6. The way you portray a law enforcement officer's blatant and sickening abuse of power. It's like when the cops around here NEVER bother to use their turn signals - hypocritical and NOT funny.

7. Same scene - why is the only female officer the one responsible for fetching the coffee for the rest of the office? Just wondering.

8. The insistence that a woman has to be weak to be beautiful, and your persistent rejection of strong women from the start of the movie to the end.

9. I don't mind that your main character (Bullock) changes her mind about pageants. Uh, but why? I still can't figure that one out. Because the girls are nice? What the hell does that have to do with anything?


10. That horrifying scene where they're trying to select a woman to go undercover as a pageant contestant. A group of officers, mostly men, sit around the computer using a bullshit computer program to undress photos of their fellow agents and see what they look like in swimsuits. As attractive women with average bodies are revealed to be, well, NORMAL-looking in a swimsuit (as opposed to model-type genetic freaks), the crown yells and groans at the image. God. Any ridiculous enjoyment I might have gleaned from this travesty of a film was immediately trashed by that scene.

Get a clue,


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