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An Open Thank You Note From Neal.
When I said I was blown away by how many of you wrote and sent cards and messages about Miss Budina, I wasn't just blowing smoke.

One thing I thought was really cool was that you guys didn't just reach out to me, but you reached out to Neal, as well. He wanted the chance to tell you guys what it meant to him, so here's a guest entry, from Neal:

Thank you.

First, I wanted to say that. To you, the readers of this journal, for your sympathies and your wonderful comments concerning our Miss Budina. I, like Jamie, was surprised how much I was affected by hearing about her illness.

I�ve never had a pet before. I always wanted one as a kid, and it wasn�t until this cat adopted us that I�ve learned how endearing and enriching a pet really can be.

When Jamie called me and told me the news, I was surprised that I had to choke back tears. The thought of our little kitty having to be put to sleep when she doesn�t even realize she�s sick, pulled at the strings of my heart.

Since that initial visit to the veterinarian, I have done some reading on FIV+ (Feline AIDS), and am more encouraged than before. Miss Budina is a mature cat, we realized she wouldn�t be with us forever, however with the information we now have, I am fairly confident, that with a lot of love, and a lot of spoiling =], we�ll have our feisty, great little cat with us for quite awhile yet.

I just wanted you all to know that your response to our kitty�s plight was appreciated. Also, that the young lady that writes this journal is one of the best. If I had had any idea the news she would hear that day at the vet, I wouldn�t have let her go without me. And for someone who stated she doesn�t like cats, damn does she love our Miss Budina, as do I. Thank you all again.


Young lady? Heh. He sounds like a professor or something.

Hmm. Maybe Neal and I could play "professor" tonight.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
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