Prepare . . . for total domination.
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Oh, Diaryland. I Haven't Lost That Lovin' Feeling.
Here's the deal.

My boss was nailing down a floorboard, and squished my network cable. I've been offline at work for a week now. It totally sucks.

Neal is fixing it tomorrow night.

In the meantime, the recent updates have been furiously typed in to co-workers computers, which I don't like doing. No secrets, and I never update during work hours anyway, but it just seems weird. And it's not always possible, so there's been lots of stuff I wanted to write about and I haven't had the chance.

I planned to type in 3 or 4 entries right now, but I'm on Neal's laptop and our connection at home is so frustratingly slow, I can't stand it.

Forum posters may have noticed I'm not there much recently, either. I miss the hell out of that, too.

But never fear, darlings. This will all be fixed tomorrow by Neal, your hero and mine.

Damn. Online journals. You don't know how much you love it till it's gone.


I miss you, sweet internet.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids