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She May Be Potty Trained, But She Isn't Very Romantic.
I'm so sorry, you guys.

At least this isn't like Christmas, where I abandoned everyone for almost a week.

But dude.

I had a shitty day yesterday, and I'm not a big angsty person, so I didn't feel comfortable adding an entry like that. So let's just say I had a bad day, and drop it.

Friday night. Belated Valentine's Day.

Neal makes me sit in the bedroom with the door closed. A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door, and when I open it, Neal's kneeling (hee) with a rose between his teeth. He's adorable, he really is.

There's a nice scene laid out in the living room. A blanket on the floor, a dozen red roses in the corner, guarding a pile of presents. With yellow roses scattered on the ground.

I stand there holding Neal's hand for a minute, taking in the thoughtful and kind thing he has done for me, because he loves me.

Budina the Toilet-Peeing Cat dashes in out of nowhere and ferociously attacks one of the roses, gnawing furiously on the end of the stem.

I start laughing maniacally while Neal wrestles her away from the flowers. He picks her up and drops her in the kitchen. We resume looking at the pretty things, and I head over to do some major present-opening.

Budina stealthily skirts around to the edge of the blanket and snatches another rose. She begins gnawing on that stem like she's trying to suck some kind of life-giving substance out of the end.

Neal moves her out of the room.

The above scene repeats itself several times, until we finally realize it's time to lock the damn cat in the bedroom.

And we do.

And we have a nice dinner Neal picked up, and I opened many beautiful gifts, and we do other stuff I can't post here.

Go play in the forum. Everyone else is. Oh, and to make up for the neglect, there's a bonus Thursday entry on the left. Plus, I won't be here Thursday. Fishing tournament, remember? Wish me luck. Clicky, clicky.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids