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I'm Getting a Little Weird, Here
Well, I've recovered from yesterday (and yesterday night).

Still a little tired, but that's a given.

Pretty quiet around here.

I'm anticipating things today.

Getting ready to move. Holidays are a-comin'. Christmas means a trip to Ohio. Mom's been bitching at me to send a list of what I want, or else she'll buy me "a bunch of crap" (her words).

The tourist season will really pick up in the next month. That means work will be busier. I'm plugging away, doing my time, always trying to improve, until the time comes for me to move on to bigger and better things.

The other JamieStar is this close to being live. I spent all morning editing.

I hate the metaphor "calm before the storm," but it's probably appropriate here. Things have been quiet, but in the background, there's a rustling, like something's about to happen. It's almost eerie. I find myself jumpier, especially when I'm trying to get to sleep. I made poor Neal wake up from a dead sleep so he could switch places with me last night.

Is this just me, or is this a phenomenon you guys are feeling, too? I know several of my close friends are preparing for major life changes. Maybe what I'm feeling is their anticipation. Sypmathy anxiety.

Or maybe something huge is going to happen, but I just don't know it yet. Yowza.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids