Prepare . . . for total domination.
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Well, I DID Once Steal Toilet Paper, So I Guess I Can't Complain
OK, I think this is getting out of hand.

Lunch = one frozen meal and a plastic fork in a paper bag

Work Fridge = one of those little ones with a freezer shelf, instead of a separate freezer.

So this morning, I put the meal in the freezer, and stick the paper bag with the fork in it on one of the fridge shelves.

I just went to heat up lunch, and


That's just silly, y'all.

Too bad I'm not the smug-memo-writing type. Don't you just hate those smug-memo people? Blamers.

Last night, in bed. Neal's almost sound asleep, I'm settling in.

Neal: "I have to go check on the cat."

Me: "Huh? You're asleep."

Neal: "I'm checking on the cat."

Me: "Whatever."

Jamie's Brain: "Whatever, weirdo."

While Neal calls the kitty, I get up and pee or something. He's already in bed when I climb back in. Rustle, rustle.

Me: "Hey!"

Neal: "What?"

Me: "You're naked! When did you get naked?!"

Neal: "I'm naked?! When did that happen?"

Me: "Shut up. When did you get naked?"

Neal: "I've BEEN naked."

Me: "Oh really? You've been naked this whole evening."

Neal: "Uh-huh."

Me: "Even when you went outside to call the cat?"

Neal: "Yup."

This is when I can feel his torso shaking with laughter. What a comedian, huh?

Jamie: "You're laughing! Quit it!"

Neal: "Oh, my God! I'm naked! Why did you take my shorts off?!"

Me: "Wha- Shut up!"

Now I'm laughing, too.

Neal: "Geez! I can't even go to sleep without you stripping off all my clothes!"

Me: "Stop it!"

God. It's like living with Seinfeld or something. SUCH a card.

Oh, I said 2 days ago I'd tell you what happened with those 5 people missing in the ocean after their boat capsized Sunday. Not good news. 1 swam to shore, 2 were rescued, but a father and son are still missing. So sad. I hate covering stuff like this.

Just so I end on a good note:

My buddies get here tomorrow! Then Saturday, down to Key West for Fantasy Fest! Can't wait.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids