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R-rated Radio
OK, listen to what I did this morning. I might have gotten fired.

I came running in here, late, needing to record a 9 a.m. newscast, like, 10 minutes before my arrival to make sure it saved before it ran.

Slow computer system.

Anyway, I ran to the computer, grabbed my pre-written local stuff (I'm supposed to cover local news) and printed off the first two things on the state-wide wire service that looked like they could be slanted to impact locally.

("C'mon, you slow-ass printer... c'mon, c'mon... Yes!")

Run into the studio. Throw on headphones, start recording. Read through first story. Fine, fine.

Second story. About halfway through, the second story (from the wire service) turns to utter gibberish. In fact, here's a direct, unedited quote:

This is a presidnetiial election year, and Florida has an important 25 electoral votes. It's a very use leaders have announced an agreement that woung the sales and also would prevent any easing y'll work to ease the restrictive terms when Ho next week.

Me: Huh?

Then, I break one of the most important ruled of radio. Before I could stop myself, I said, out loud, "What the fuck is that?" INTO THE MICROPHONE. AS IT'S RECORDING. That is so bad, people. So bad.

So I quickly stop the recording, and re-record, skipping the gibberish.

As I sit at my desk, heart pounding, it occurs to me that it's possible the computer will have saved the first profanity-injected version, but not the second version.

What do I do? I can go into the studio, where my program director/boss is running his morning show, and check the time to make sure it saved.

But what if it didn't? I'd have to tell him about the fuck thing. I really, really don't want to tell him about the fuck thing.

I'm ashamed to say, I took the low road. When my cast ran, I sat at my desk, listening to myself on the monitor, fingers crossed, sweating.

And since I'm still sitting at my desk, not packing my things, it's obvious that the G-rated version ran.

Close one.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids