Prepare . . . for total domination.
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Trading Faces
Man. Tired.

Slept late this morning. When Shawn came home (she's seeing a new guy, heh), she couldn't believe I was still there.

It's Lobster Mini Season here. Recreational harvesters are allowed to catch lobsters for two days, one week before the start of the commercial season. Thousands and thousands of people flock to the Keys, all drooling for some of that lobster butt goodness. The islands are currently packed.

So we did our usual Wednesday night Ladies' Night thing last night, and they were putting on the ritz because of the lobster-gathering crowds. E! was there - whee!

It was a pretty uneventful night, except for one thing. See, they were doing a limbo contest, and we all know how I feel about those. However, I was wearing a reeeeeally short pink flowered cotton dress.

While I was whining about this to my friend Jennifer, she suggested I borrow her pants. The ones she was wearing.

So we ducked into a bathroom and switched clothes. She walked out wearing my dress, and I was sporting her stretchy black pants and sparkly black and red shirt with a criss cross back. And her bra, one cup size too big.

The funny thing about it was, I truly and honestly thought no one would notice. I mean, I always pay attention to fashion. I can always remember what I was wearing during any given event. But people scoff when I comment on clothes, like, "Who cares about that shit?!"

EVERYONE noticed. Shawn started shrieking as soon as she saw us, but I figured she'd pick up on it. EVERYONE. Strangers were commenting on it. The guy who holds open the door for people abandoned his post to give me a high five.

It was hilarious, and we weren't even doing it to be funny.

Also, I was too late to limbo. Damn.


After yesterday's entry, Kelly emailed me.

Kelly: "Hey, how deep is Lake Denial? Will I need those little floatie things on my arms, or a full life preserver? I can tread water, but I'm not a strong swimmer and I don't want to be taking any chances."

Me: "You know that shit is deeeep. Deep-a-leep-a-beep-beep."

Kelly: "'Deep-a-leep-a-beep-beep?' Someone needs a nap. And a vacation."

Me: "And some Valium."

Kelly: "Silly! Chew on one of the buoys in Lake Denial. They're coated in the stuff."

She cracks me up.


I suppose I should also use this space to formally announce my engagement to Billy FadeIn.

We started out as BeerMates, and now we're going to walk down the road to becoming LifeMates. Our burning love and passion can no longer be silenced or ignored. We've never met nor spoken, but somehow, the flames of our desires found their way to each other from Los Angeles all the way down here to the Keys. He is the Homer to my Marge, the Billy Bob to my Angelina (wait, bad example). He's super-dreamy.

And my love for Billy has absolutely NOTHING to do with his new job as a Production Assistant on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Really. Heh.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids