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Maturity Is For Dull People
Sometimes, my life is pretty surreal. Especially since I�ve started hanging out with Beaker � I�m not sure exactly why, but I think it�s because we�re such opposites, that occasionally, when our interest intersect (or at least come close), we end up in these strange situations, like a wacky sitcom.

A few weeks ago, my dad called and asked what I was doing that night.

�I�m putting on my roller skates, and Beaker is upstairs asking our neighbor if he can borrow her bike, so he can drag me around the neighborhood.�

Then I stopped, realizing I�m 26 years old, he�s 30, and this is how we spend a typical Thursday night.

(And then I got dragged around the neighborhood. It was immature, sure, but it was fun, too.)

He took me to the monthly Full Moon Fest last weekend. I like going places with boys, because I never have pockets and they always do, so they�re like big, walking purses. My favorite pair of Beaker�s shorts is the best not because of how they look, but because they have large cargo pockets in addition to all the regular ones, so when he wears them, I get a WHOLE POCKET for my shit.

I can tell that he really loves it, and gives him a special feeling, when I ask him to carry tampons.

Anyway, I asked him to carry my ID, debit card, smokes and some cash. He forgot to put the items in his pocket. This normally wouldn�t have been a big deal, but the Fest is the one place I still get carded anymore� they slap a bracelet on you as you drive into the parking lot. So we decided to park up the road a ways, at a gas station, and sneak in on foot.

Which worked.

Beaker was pretty tired at the party. Normally, I�d say, �Oh, you�re sleepy? Not having fun? Let�s go home.� But he told me he wouldn�t start drinking beer until later in the evening for this very reason, then drank one anyway mid-afternoon despite my attempts to wrestle it out of his fist, so he made his own damn bed that I wasn�t ready to go home and let him sleep in just yet.

Finally, I relented, so both tired and me with a slight buzz, we trudged to Beaker�s truck. He went to the drivers� side, and I was standing by the passenger side for a minute, starting to get cranky and wondering why he was taking so long to come around and let me in.

�Psst. Jamie.�


He kind of walked to the back of the truck, over the bed, and pointed down.

There was a man sleeping in the back of Beaker�s truck.

Sometimes, when faced with situations like this, I react in a way that I look back on and wonder what my problem was. This was one of those times� with my slight buzz and tiredness, I got it in my head that I didn�t want the sleeping guy to see me. So I kind of crouched by the passenger door and frantically whispered, �What should we do?�

�Wake him up!�

�I don�t want to wake him! Look! I�m hiding.�

Beaker wrinkled his eyebrow.

�Should I just poke him?�

�Maybe if you start up the truck, he�ll wake up and run away before we drive off.�

Beaker decided to run a pre-test to this plan by walking to the back of the truck and loudly fiddling with the back of the truck.

The man slept on. He was wearing one shoe. I continued my crouching.

Finally, Beaker shoved the guy on his arm, and said, �Dude, I have to go now.�

Rip Van Winkle slowly came to, and looked around, confused.

Point of Etiquette, my friends. If you are caught sleeping in the bed of a stranger�s pickup truck, you MIGHT want to consider, oh, I don�t know� GETTING THE HELL OUT OF THERE in a rapid fashion.

It was like, another 20 minutes before this guy finally departed.

In that time, the always-kind Beaker told him about a nearby resort with outdoor hammocks where he could probably catch a few Zs, and gave Rip a pair of old shoes he had in the back.

And then we just drove home. What else are you gonna do?

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids