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This Is Thursday's Entry. Really.
Today, the Associated Press sent me a story over the wire. The AP is one of the most constant and steady news organizations there is. The story was about Mardi Gras. First, a little background.

Nudity has always been illegal at Mardi Gras. And people have been arrested. But it's like trying to keep up with every journal in Diaryland... you're just going to miss some people. That's life.

So this year, the Mardi Gras peeps are taking a different angle. They have stated -- and I quote -- They will only arrest women baring their breasts "when it becomes a hazard to public safety."

I'm going to give you a second to let that sink in.


People of the Internet, I ask you.

Just how big do those beasts have to be?

Are we blocking traffic here? Are people suffering concussions?

Or we could take a different angle.

How pointy do those breasts have to be?

Are we stabbing innocent revelers in the chest while they attempt to acquire some cheap beads?

Are women gouging out people's eyes while trying to buy a draft beer from a street vendor?

Just something to think about before you book your ticket to New Orleans this year.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
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