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Let's Just Not Discuss It, Okay?
Here is what we're NOT going to discuss today.

We're NOT going to discuss that I've been nauseous and headachy all day.

We're NOT going to talk about how I was super-late for work this morning.

Let's NOT get into how hard it was to get out of bed and ready for work.

We're NOT going to talk about the fact that I got home after 2:30 a.m., about 4 hours later than I planned to.

We're NOT going to discuss how many beers I drank last night with new friend Shawn.

I'm NOT going to write about how Shawn and I got a bit too drunk and partied a bit too hard on a school night.

Let's NOT mention how many cigarettes I smoked - way too many for me. WAY too many.

We're NOT going to talk about the time Shawn tried to order me a drink, but instead of saying "Amber Bock" she asked for an "Amber Cock."

I'm NOT going to get into Neal still being NOT happy with me for worrying him by not calling until I moseyed in the door in the middle of the night.

Oh, and let's NOT talk about how damn much FUN I had, even though I'm sorry that I probably gave Neal grey hairs.

I WILL talk about the talk show a little. Of course, I can't take on a project like this without screwing it up, so I forgot all the microphones. A buddy was headed up to the bar, so we had him stop by the station and pick them up.

The show itself was great. We were packed with guests - in fact, we almost had too many. My co-host and I were back in full force. It was funny. He's a dive captain, and filming a video encouraging people to learn to SCUBA dive. One of our guests was this actor dude who's in the video. A cheesier person I've never seen. Big, blond, tan, too good-looking. He looked exactly like a life-sized Ken doll.

Dude, he kind of hit on me while we were ON THE AIR. Ah, live radio. He was all, "Well, let's talk about Jamie. She sure is beautiful, isn't she? Why don't you come by the set tomorrow, Jamie? Wear a swimsuit, and we'll put you in the background. I can't believe how pretty you are." He embarrassed the living hell out of me. I couldn't go to a commercial break fast enough.

And he was wearing a wedding ring. Nice.

Like I said, I'm happy with how things went. I was NERVOUS. I would have liked to have a bigger crowd at the bar, but we can work on that.

So yeah, the show was good. Shawn and I certainly celebrated afterward, too. Oooog.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
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