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MASH - It isn't just a TV show
Did you ever play the MASH game when you were younger? I did. In fact, I believe during a road trip a few years ago some buddies and I played again.

AND NOW... MASH is available at a web site near you. Really. It's provided hours of fun already.

Here's what I got:

You live in a House.

You're married to Maggie.

You drive a BMW.

Your car is the color Silver.

You live in the state California.

Your honeymoon is New Zealand.

Your occupation is a Journalist.

You have this many kids: 0 (0 male; 0 female).

Um, OK. That's only my DREAM LIFE.

Well, except for the journalist thing. I was hoping it would pick Rock Star.

Oh, and I hear Neal puts out more than Maggie.

So I forwarded the link to my friends. And Maggie decides to try to get the worst answers she possibly can. I haven't laughed so hard in ages.

You live in a House.

You're married to Pat Buchanan.

You drive a Pinto with duct-taped plastic windows.

Your car is the color Puce.

You live in the state Arkansas.

Your honeymoon is Hooters.

Your occupation is a Pickled pigs feet eater.

You have this many kids: 22 (10 male; 12 female).


Anyway, we're all posting our results here. Have fun.

In other news... the station I work for runs this "Best of the Keys" contest, where we collect ballots and then give out awards to local businesses. The on-air staff (that'd be moi) MCs the event. The best part - it's a 60s theme. I have my mini-skirt, go-go boots, and psychadelic shirt all set.

And I'm fully prepared to clock the first person who says to me "Yeah, baby!" in a bad Austin Powers accent.

I'm sure this will make for an interesting entry tomorrow.

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids