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Women Are From Bars, Men Are From... oh, crap.
Well, Neal's first day of work went well. I think (hope) this job is a good thing. Hopehopehope

But I didn't really get to hear about it. Here's why - classic miscommunication. Let me explain.

Unfortunately, after we both worked all day yesterday, there were a few errands to run. Then pick up dinner, then sit down to dinner. Neal was cranky. I was hungry. Right before we sat down, Neal made this comment:

"I just haven't had a chance to relax all day."

Since he was so quiet, I figured instead of asking him questions about his day, I would let him relax.

So I grabbed a book, and we quietly ate Chinese food.

And then after dinner, he got up, sat down at his desk, called his Mom, and told her all about his day.

So I sat on the couch with my book, eavesdropping and wondering why he wasn't telling ME about it.

After he hung up, I asked him.

Neal: "Well, you didn't ask."

Jamie: "I didn't ask because I was letting you relax. You said you wanted to relax, and I didn't want you to feel like you had to entertain me."

Neal: "I wanted you to ask."

Jamie: "What?"

Neal: "I thought since you didn't ask, you didn't want to hear about it."

Jamie: "Of course I want to hear about it. You were just so quiet. I was letting you RELAX."

Neal: "I was quiet because I wanted you to ASK me how my day was."

Jamie's Brain: "Uh... what? Doesn't he realize that's a little confusing? Deathly, long silence does not usually tranlate to, 'Let's talk.' And men have the gall to say women are difficult to understand. Communication, people!"

Neal: "I'm sorry we miscommunicated."

Jamie: "Me, too."

Neal: "Do you want to hear about my day now?"

Jamie: "Well, no. I already heard about it when you were telling your mother."

Neal: "Damn."

Jamie: "I have dibs on tomorrow, OK?"

Neal: "OK."

So I'll get to hear about it tomorrow. And so will you.

In the meantime...


Halloween extravaganza plans! Ooh!

Jamie put together her gorgeous costume! Scary!

Neal settles into the new job! Ahh!

Jamie gets used to new computer system at work! Oh, the suspense!

Jamie's buddies get ready to arrive in the Keys at the end of the month! Will they make it?!

Jamie and Neal get out of debt! Hooray!

The excitement! (gasp) The drama! (Wow!)

All this and more for you! Only at Jamiestar!

The Realm of Monkey Love
chatty chat about news and such
buy stuff; feed poor kids